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Club me till I’m week

By Dean Hetherington

There’s no shortage of ways to get involved with campus life, and hundreds of student volunteers are determined to show frosh how. Over 220 University of Calgary clubs have tables set up in the MacEwan Student Centre for Clubs Week, which began Monday. The information week is a way for Students’ Union sanctioned clubs to… Continue reading Club me till I’m week

Club me till I’m week

By Dean Hetherington

When cursing the crowds of people and cardboard trifolds you’ve been tripping over in Mac Hall this week: take a deep breath and realize that it’s that most wonderful time that comes but twice a year. It’s Clubs Week! At the beginning of every semester, the University of Calgary Students’ Union hosts this informative time… Continue reading Club me till I’m week

Club me till I’m week

By Dean Hetherington

Every year during the second week of each session, MacEwan Student Centre becomes the site of mass gathering of students. No, these aren’t mosh pits, but Clubs Week, where clubs from all across the campus set up their information booths to dispense information and entice students to join their ranks. “Approximately 50 to 70 clubs… Continue reading Club me till I’m week


By Dean Hetherington

Helen is probably 35. She wears her hair in a tight bun at the back of her head. There are times where it’s partially unraveled like a ball of yarn. The frayed brown ends pulled out. It’s more than likely she’s married; there’s calm in her hands, she never fidgets with the orders and she… Continue reading Drive-thru