Pros • A charismatic and successful lobbyist • Leadership roles in CAUS and CASA • Got an audience with provincial leaders • Raised the profile of the SU Cons • Strained working relationship with exec • Poor direct student communication Oliver Bladek is everything you would expect from a politician. He is well-spoken, quite opinionated… Continue reading Oliver Bladek
Results for "Oliver Bladek"
Students say no for SLA, yes to U-Pass
Students voting in the Students’ Union general election had a shot at direct democracy with five referendum questions on the ballot. Students voted overwhelmingly to continue the U-Pass, with 4,370 in favour to 1,328 against. “Personally, I’m quite surprised with the margin of victory,” said “No” campaign organizer Oliver Bladek. “I respect the decision of… Continue reading Students say no for SLA, yes to U-Pass
Ineffectiveness encouraged
Upon hearing 84 packages have been submitted for the Students’ Union election (enough for exactly four SLCs), perhaps someone might actually read something an old SU hack like myself might write in a student newspaper. But who am I kidding? Tuesday’s SLC meeting showed if you’re bored, or have nothing better to do, you might… Continue reading Ineffectiveness encouraged
Closer to CASA decision
By Natalie Sit
Despite two discussions, the Students’ Union has not determined whether to stay with their current federal lobby group or not. However, student councilors have indicated a decision may be reached at their next meeting, one in favour of continuing membership. A question to council from former SU Vice-President External Oliver Bladek suggested a majority of… Continue reading Closer to CASA decision
Everybody loses at SLC
"Student politics is so vicious precisely because the stakes are so small."–Henry Kissinger.Was Kissinger ever right.Tuesday’s viciousness involved the Students’ Legislative Council as the Vice-President Academic, Rosie Nagra, brought impeachment hearings against Academic Commissioner Gavin Preston. I sat and watched, and laughed as the entire proceeding (which I might add would cost the organization more… Continue reading Everybody loses at SLC
Controversial CASA conference
By James Keller
It is with caution that five Student’s Union delegates term a national lobby conference hosted by the Canadian Alliance of Students’ Associations in Ottawa a “success.”The purpose of the conference, attended by SU President Barb Wright, Vice-President External Oliver Bladek, VP Academic Nic Porco and External Commissioners David Rassin and Erin Welk, was to bring… Continue reading Controversial CASA conference
Senate Rep.
By Kim Stock
It’s a shame Matt Dalidowicz ran for Senate this particular year. With all his hard work, research, enthusiasm and knowledge he would be a shoe-in were SU veterans Oliver Ho and Oliver Bladek not in the race.ExperienceDalidowicz understands the Senate, how it works and upcoming changes such as the new Chancellor. Moreover, he’s willing and… Continue reading Senate Rep.
Senate Rep
By Kim Stock
Oliver Bladek, probably the best candidate for the position, made brilliant use of semantics. While he didn’t run for Senate last year, he sat on the Senate as an ex officio member. Technically, according to Bladek, we are re-electing him to another term. This ability to manipulate the English language in such a hard-to-refute way… Continue reading Senate Rep
Can the men conquer nationals?
Sacré bleu! Two seasons ago, the University of Calgary stumbled against the Université de Laval in La Belle Province du Quebec. This year, the Dinos open the Canadian Interuniversity Sport Men’s Volleyball Championships against the Rouge et Or in La Province de Social Cuts et Volleyball. In case you don’t speak Franglais, that’s Alberta.Seeded sixth,… Continue reading Can the men conquer nationals?
Women’s Volleyball
The people demanded that Students’ Union Vice-President External Oliver Bladek help with this week’s women’s volleyball preview. The people were heard. We went to lunch and talked volleyball. The people rejoiced.The people are into betting heavily on women’s volleyball. Here’s all the wisdom we can pass along to help them win.If the Dinos (pronounced Deenos)… Continue reading Women’s Volleyball