We found 35 results for your search.

100 shows fill That Empty Space

By Jordyn Marcellus

One of Calgary’s best venues is right under University of Calgary students’ noses. From national luminaries like Cadence Weapon and Great Lake Swimmers to local scene stalwarts like Lorrie Matheson, That Empty Space has showcased some of the best music in the country. It’s also become a regular Friday afternoon community. “It’s one of the… Continue reading 100 shows fill That Empty Space

Online Only: Oscar predictions you can bank on!

By Ryan Pike

The ballots have been cast and the lights have been dimmed, so it must be time for the Gauntlet’s annual Academy Awards preview. This year, resident movie nerds Hoang-Mai Hong and Ryan Pike tackle Hollywood’s tribute to itself. Who will win? Who will lose? More importantly, who will predict more winners– Hoang-Mai or Ryan? [Editor’s… Continue reading Online Only: Oscar predictions you can bank on!

Engineers put SU hopefuls through the wringer

By Emily Senger

Students’ Union candidates showed off their less-professional sides in a forum charged with water guns and a giant, beer-spewing, burninating dragon Fri., Feb. 9. The annual engineering SU candidate forum pitted candidates against each other in a battle of wit and drinking prowess. Each candidate was given two minutes to stand on a table and… Continue reading Engineers put SU hopefuls through the wringer

Film Review: Babel

By Asia Walker

Brad Pitt, intimate relationships and a lack of communication. While the list bears similarities to Pitt’s marital life, they’re also all featured in the early Oscar-contender, Babel. At first, the premise comes across as a replica of last years’ Oscar sweeper Crash, but it has enough unique elements to be its own story. Though the… Continue reading Film Review: Babel

Apathy this: SU by-election

By Stephanie Claggett

Voter apathy, rather than fierce competition, once again dominated the Students’ Union’s annual by-election. Joel Lockwood is the new Oper-ations and Finance Commissioner while Dickie Freeman won the position of Events Commissioner. Dustyn Richardson became the Fine Arts Faculty Representative with a grand total of 37 votes, and Philip James Schwieder won the coveted position… Continue reading Apathy this: SU by-election