
By Laura Bardsley

Christer’s Techna is one really long, bad song. It beckons memories of how excited everyone was when they discovered GarageBand on their MacBooks.

Throughout this awful project, Christer’s lyrics vary from “No one dances anymore! Let’s dance,” to “Yes, he has all my body parts in bags,” to “Koochie-koo.” Although she does take advantage of popular modern slang and drops the word “steeze” in her song “Trees and Rockets,” she is still limited to sounding like the Postal Service if they had absolutely no talent. She describes her songs as “uncomplicated and accessible,” which one would have to agree with, seeing as a 12-year-old could replicate her songs exactly in an hour with their monotonous backing beats.

All in all, Techna is headache-inducing. Here’s hoping that Christer wakes up from her drug trip with a broken MacBook in hand.