
By Krista Malden

Together, we help create change.

December 6, 1989 : Marc Lepine entered L’Ecole Polytechnique in Montréal and separated the men from the women, opening Þre on all female students and killing 14 women. The Montréal massacre is remembered as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. A ceremony to remember the victims of the Montréal massacre and all female victims of violence will be held on Dec. 4 at noon in the Nickle Arts Museum at the University of Calgary. On Dec. 6, men and women across Canada will speak out together against violence against women.

"It’s about remembering we live in a patriarchal society, basically remembering the reasons for change and reflecting on how far men and women have come together," said December 6 Memorial Committee Co-chair Melanie McNaughton.

Sue White, Margaret Newell and Calgary Police Chief Christine Silverberg will take part in the university’s memorial. This year’s event will focus on political change, featuring faculty member Anne Stalker as the main speaker. The December 6 Memorial is the focal point of Violence Awareness Week and the white ribbon campaign, which runs from Dec. 1­4. The Women’s Collective Resource and Safewalk have booths and posters set up to inform people about violence in society.

Although the memorial focuses on violence against women, everyone is aVected and should feel they have a right to take part.

"This is something everyone can get behind," said su Operations and Finance Commissioner Mike Bradshaw.

The December 6 Memorial Committee is selling carnations, candles and buttons. The candles symbolize hope and change, reminding everyone that violence against women is unacceptable and that we can work together for change.

Violence is an issue we all face, and no specific gender is to blame. "I hope all males get behind this event; sexual and physical violence should be stopped," said Bradshaw. "This is not a male-bashing event."

McNaughton added, "National Day of Action shouldn’t be looked on as blaming men."

Remember and work for change.

The women who are remembered:

  • Genevieve Bergeron, 21, was a second-year scholarship student in civil engineering.
  • Helene Colgan, 23, was in her Þnal year of mechanical engineering and planned to take her masters.
  • Nathalle Croteau, 23, was in her Þnal year of mechanical engineering.
  • Barbara Daigneault, 22, was in her Þnal year of mechanical engineering and held a teaching assistantship.
  • Anne-Marie Edward, 21, was a Þrst-year student in chemical engineering
  • Maud Haviemick, 29, was a second-year student in engineering materials, a branch of metallurgy, and a graduate in environmental design.
  • Barbara Maria Klucznik, 31, was a second-year engineering student specializing in engineering materials.
  • Maryse Laganiere, 25, worked in the budget department of the Polytechnique.
  • Maryse Leclair, 23 , was a fourth-year student in engineering materials.
  • Anne-marie Lemay, 27, was a second-year student in engineering materials.
  • Annie St-Arneault, 23, was a mechanical engineering student.
  • Annie Turcotte, 21, was a Þrst-year engineering student.

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