Expansion update

By Bonnie Leung

Expansion negotiations and redevelopment of the University of Calgary MacEwan Students Centre will continue during the summer months.

According to Students’ Union Vice-president Finance and Operations Amanda Affonso, students can expect to see a new staircase as well as new kiosks in the food court.

“The staircase will open April 15,” she said. “The new food kiosks will be ready for September 2000. The new kiosks are Primo Pasta, Taco Time, Summit Submarine’s, Stone Willy’s, and a chicken franchise.”
As well, the blueprints for creating new club space are currently being drawn.

“We are developing a new area just for clubs by the new staircase, with renovations to MSC 273,” she said. “The new area will house club offices as well as a business centre and meeting rooms for clubs.”

SU President Rob South added that all redevelopment projects are on schedule and on budget.

Although redevelopment is almost finished, expansion is at a stalemate until legal issues regarding the loan are resolved.

“We are currently waiting to hear from the Royal Bank’s lawyer in regards to the $10 million loan we are asking for,” said Affonso. “While we wait, we have approached the Alberta Treasury Branch. It is our hopes as a branch of the provincial government, they will recognize the Students’ Union as a body able to receive a loan and that can build on university/government land.”

Both Affonso and South hope expansion will continue to go smoothly, even though a new SU Executive take office May 1.

“Next year’s executive will be well oriented on the issue by the time they take office,” said South. “I’m sure the transition will be smooth and hopefully the legal situation surrounding the loan will get resolved quickly.”

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