Swaggar, Balog and Schafer: A farewell to fifth-year Dinos

By Sarah Stall

The Dinos will surely miss three outstanding players: David Swaggar, Brock Balog and Ian Schafer. They are all one-of-a-kind contributors to the 2000 football team. All three noted many key experiences and skills that made the football team an important memory in their varsity sports experience. Balog, Schafer and Swaggar would all like to continue playing football after their university days are over. When asked the following questions, these players had some memories and advice to share.

Most memorable moment in football over the last four years

Brock Balog: "The final play of the last game. Definitely the conversion kick in the last playoff game versus Regina."

Ian Schafer: "One game a few years ago, when we were playing against Saskatchewan and they won by a field goal in the final seconds, 13-10."

David Swaggar: "The win at B.C. in the last regular season game of this year. Playing there and for the first time winning there."

Advice to new football players

Ian Schafer: "Quickness and power. It’s all about speed."

Brock Balog: "Enjoy it while it lasts, and lift weights and play basketball every day."

David Swaggar: "Train hard and remember that the Dinos are better than any one individual."

The most important thing learned during their university career

David Swaggar: "Not to compete against others but to compete against yourself."

Brock Balog: "Anything is possible. Work hard and you can do anything."

Ian Schafer: "Persevere. Know your role and give it your all."

Balog will graduate in 2001 with a degree in communication and culture and wants nothing more than to play football the rest of his life. Schafer will graduate this April with a degree in chemical engineering and a minor in petroleum engineering. Swaggar will graduate with a kinesiology degree and hopes to play football as long as he can. Good luck in the future!

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