Magnetic attraction

By Вen Li

A new 700-MHz Nuclear Magnet Resonance machine topped off a
$3 million upgrade to the U of C’s Bio-NMR Centre on Wednesday. The magnet, engineered in Switzerland and insured for $2 million, will allow researchers to study solid samples.

"It’s a much more powerful magnet than what we had," said Professor Hans Vogel. "It’s the third of its type in Canada."

The University of Toronto and University of Alberta have similar magnets, but theirs do not take solid samples.

"Studies of proteins and peptides is a major part of what we do," said Vogel, who added that this magnet’s ability to handle solid biological samples puts it at an advantage.

The magnet will rest on a reinforced floor and supplements the existing 400-MHz and 500-MHz NMRs.

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