Brown angers SU reps

By Natalie Sit

This year’s tuition consultation process resulted not only in a tuition increase but also in disagreement between student representatives.

University of Calgary Board of Governors student-at-large representative Drew Brown last week asked for the resignation of Students’ Union Vice-president External Duncan Wojtaszek and SU Academic Commissioner Nic Porco because of their comments regarding the 3.7 per cent tuition increase number. Both Porco and Wojtaszek have stated they will not resign.

"Drew himself said I should not resign, so I’m not sure why he asked in the first place," said Porco. "I will continue to represent students at this university in academic matters and otherwise."

"I’m disappointed Drew felt so strongly [that] tuition consultation was such a failure," said Wojtaszek. "I can’t really speak to Drew Brown’s motivations, but certainly, if I felt they were justified I would resign–I’m not resigning."

Brown stated Jan. 31 he did not expect Porco and Wojtaszek to resign, but maintained he felt the SU did little to promote a lower tuition increase or no increase at all in a provincial election year.

"In an election year, we should be settling for nothing other than zero," said Brown. "[This is the case] especially when the government has the money to give and will give the money. The key is that the government only seems to respond to what’s happening. They’ll only give money if it’s in their best interest to give it and it’s what people want."

While Wojtaszek thinks highly of Brown’s job as a student advocate, Porco believes Brown’s actions hurt the cause for lower tuition.

"I used to have respect for Drew Brown as a student representative," said Porco. "I think he’s maybe latched onto certain part of students’ concerns and chose to ignore other concerns."

Brown believes the students and the SU missed an opportunity to protest the Alberta government. He thinks the $25 million offered by the provincial government is inadequate for 26 post-secondary institutions and will not allow Administration to run the university as they want to.

"Come [Students’ Union] election time, I hope students become engaged in issues and more students run on platforms to eliminate tuition increase and ensure accessibility for all students," said Brown.

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