By Вen Li
The International Students’ Centre and Disability Resource Centre may have to make way for the Campus Security and Risk Management relocation, since their space is being developed.
"As I understand it, there’s a slight change in the direction where the new [MacEwan Hall expansion] building is going to be, and as a result of that, development needed this space," said Campus Security Manager Lanny Fritz, referring to Campus Security’s current location.
According to Students’ Union Vice-president Operations and Finance Matt Lauzon, the ISC may move to the area occupied by rooms MSC 274, 275 and 276, and the DRC may move to the area across from Renert.
The International Students’ Centre has mixed feelings about being displaced.
"Yes, Campus Security has needs, and we’re willing to work with them, but our most important role here is to look after the needs of students," said International Student Advisor Madelyn Bradley. "We’ve just alerted students to the possibility that this might happen and that their input will be solicited, but until a decision has been made, there’s not a lot that they can do."
Bradley added that relocation will allow them to redesign the facility to better meet the needs of students.
Moving Campus Security is expected to increase visibility and access for students and is only the latest co-operative effort between the SU and the University as part of MSC development and expansion.
"The original plans had [Campus Security] on top of the washrooms for the new hall but that was deemed too expensive by the university," said Lauzon.
Some details of the proposed relocation are still sketchy, according to Campus Planning Manager of capital development Lori van Rooijen .
"The process for developing [the project] is still ongoing. We haven’t got final signoffs on all the decisions yet," said van Rooijen. "These kinds of moves are always challenging. This isn’t any different. I think we’ve been able to accommodate the challenges."
The programming phase, where Campus Security and Risk Management define their space and infrastructure needs, is almost complete, according to Campus Planning Project Manager Robert Majamaa.
"The budget and schedule are still unconfirmed. I would anticipate that we would have those numbers within three or four weeks," said Majamaa. "The April 1 deadline is still the scheduled date [of the move]. We’re using a fast-track construction method, utilizing the same construction manager as MSC [expansion/construction]."
Risk Management, which shares a space with Campus Security, will be moving with them.
"We wanted to stay within the building for obvious reasons. The SU was very supportive of that," said Director of Risk Management, Safety and Security Jennifer Yip Choy. "The big challenge became where we would move to."
Director Patricia Pardo of the Disability Resource Centre could not be reached for comment.