Our Picks for SU Elections 2003

In the spirit of transparency and fairness, we have included our own personal ballots, breaking down which candidates each committee member supports and putting a name and a face to those choices. For the acclaimed race, we ran a yes/no option. Our Picks James Keller Kris Kotarski Вen Li Natalie Sit Chad Saunders &nbsp President… Continue reading Our Picks for SU Elections 2003

Good candidates don’t win elections

By James Keller

Let’s face it: elections aren’t won simply because candidate A is a better candidate than candidate B. And this reality is nowhere more true than in the quickly approaching Students’ Union elections. Unfortunately, many factors come into play to determine the outcome of the elections. Block voting like the “Rez vote” the “Dinos vote” or… Continue reading Good candidates don’t win elections


By Matt Stambaugh

What a crazy day, two midterms, a paper, and a job interview. What are those strange tables with the computers set up for? Can’t be important, screw it.The life of a student in mid February is not a calm one. With the demands of school and life in general attacking from all angles, a Students’… Continue reading Election!