President: Jayna Gilchrist–Unqualified

Gilchrist is doing the U of C student body a great injustice by running for the office of president and not that of the VP academic. She has been an academic commissioner, and because former VP Academic Rosie Nagra resigned in January 2003, she was promoted to the SU’s executive.

But just because Gilchrist is qualified for a VP position does not make her qualified for the presidency. She certainly doesn’t lack the knowledge to be at the top; in fact, she is by far the safest bet in this year’s field. What she does lack, however, is the foresight to be a good president. She offers nothing original and all her ideas are rehashed and stereotypical. When someone with “five years experience in policy” offers no policy of note, it is a problem. She will complain well, but chances are, she will not accomplish much.

To conclude, Gilchrist is the definition of an internal candidate. Under her leadership, the SU will get along better with each other and she will prevent meltdowns. This may make retreats more manageable, but it will do little for the average student.


• Relevant su experience in all areas except events

• Understands the inner-workings of the su and the university

• Well informed on student issues


• More worried about internal divisions than students

• Lacks visible leadership traits

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