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We might be closer to understanding why we procrastinate, according to a U of C professor.

A meta-analysis conducted by Dr. Piers Steel of 700 publications in psychology, economics, philosophy and sociology, as well as historical records indicates that procrastination is common and natural.

"We procrastinate because we are built-right in the root of our minds-to value pleasures today more than pleasures tomorrow," said Steel. "It’s probably just an evolutionary holdover from a time when a bird in the hand was worth more than two in the bush."

According to Steel, 95 per cent of the population procrastinates occasionally, and procrastination is a problem for 15–20 per cent of people leading to unhappiness, failure, and health problems. He also found that procrastination is most prominent in men, young people, tired people and large groups working together.

Steel suggests that sufferers of procrastination distance themselves from temptations and complete important tasks in the morning.

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