Alex Vyskocil took the stage Thu., Feb. 5, as he debated for Students’ Union Vice-President Events–against himself.
Fellow hopeful Spencer Brown did not make it to the forum for undisclosed reasons, leaving Vyskocil to engage in a one-person race, where he proved to be quite amusing.
Vyskocil, currently an Events Commissioner and host of the SU’s radio show, So SU Me, began with a brief overview of three issues concerning students at the University of Calgary.
His number one priority was tuition.
"Tuition is all about how people are informed," said Vyskocil. "You have to really concentrate your efforts at the beginning of the year and make sure people are aware."
Next up was quality of student life on campus and school spirit.
"I think that the job of the VP is to make sure that the quality of student life is at its peak," he said.
Vyskocil also focused on making his campaign promises become a reality, which include bringing Rez Night back to the Den, having more live bands on campus, utilizing MacEwan Student Centre to its full potential, improving Cinemania and working closely with his commissioners to generate a lot of great events. He was very optimistic about achieving his goals.
"I have experience, I know who to deal with and I have a strong idea of what I want to do," he explained.
As for issues such as student apathy, Vyskocil recognizes it is a problem, although he also acknowledges it is getting better.
"Never did I think that jocks, and I use that term loosely, would get a bunch of people together and get people interested in the SU," said Vyskocil.
Lastly, Vyskocil was asked why students should vote for him.
"I’m totally dedicated, energetic, I know when I get together with the commissioners we’ll totally rock it and I have wicked posters," he said. "And posters do win votes."