A U of C birthday party in style

By Andrew Barbero

While most students are looking forward to BSD, the university is getting ready to party in September.

The University of Calgary, Dinos Athletics and the Students’ Union are celebrating the U of C’s 40th anniversary by throwing an all day bash with a football game and some big name musical acts Sept. 9, although details have yet to be finalized.

“We wanted to do something for alumni, staff, faculty and students,” said U of C vice-president external relations Roman Cooney. “There is a Dinos game that day versus the U of A, and that will be followed by either Great Big Sea or Arcade Fire and Blue Rodeo. It depends on availability.”

Cooney stressed that nothing has been finalized and plans could still change. He also mentioned individual faculties are arranging events to coincide with the big party.

A nominal admission price will be charged, but money may be coming back to students.

“There would be about a $5 charge, with all proceeds going to student scholarships,” said Cooney.

The event will cost between $80,000-$100,000, of which the SU contributed $20,000.

“It’s the 40th anniversary of the U of C, it’s a big deal, we need to celebrate it and not let it pass by,” said SU vice-president events Alex Vyskocil. “It’s important for the community and for students.”

The event will mark the Dinos’ home opener against their rivals from the U of A. To celebrate, the team will don a retro jersey to resemble Dinos of the past.

“It should be a fun day, a big carnival,” said Dinos Athletics manager of events Reid Bilben. “We’re going to work with U of C 101, make it a nice wrap-up for them. We’d like to work with residents and get them involved and get the whole community out to enjoy the event.”

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