Studentsí Union end of year reviews: Operations and Finance

By Jon Roe

Most of the work done by the Students’ Union vice-president operations and finance is done behind closed doors and this year, Fraser Stuart has done a fine job accomplishing that closeted work. The CJSW space issue, the potential relocation of the loading docks and clubs all fell under the op-fi portfolio and Stuart did an admirable job addressing them. CJSW’s new space is on track, and progress has been made, which, at this point, is all you can ask for, given the stagnation of the project. The MacEwan Student Centre docks aren’t moving–and given the ridiculous cost of relocating them, that is the right decision. Stuart has also done work towards preparing for the dissolution of the Clubs Committee Chair role and Alex Judd, the VP op-fi elect, should have the tools she needs to take on the added responsibility.

Stuart also headed up the SU Sustainability Board this year and completed the waste audit of MacHall, which will be ready to report to next year’s Student Legislative Council. He felt that the profile of SUSB could be raised, but a waste audit is a good place to start.

Stuart completed his behind the scenes work and provided a strong voice of reason to the many committees and boards he sat on, even ones involving U of C’s administration with the loading docks issue. Given the progress or resolution of the issues he faced, his work this year is commendable.

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