T-Birds robbed of game, stuff in Calgary

By Jon Roe

The University of British Columbia Thunderbirds women’s basketball team didn’t have the best visit to Calgary on Saturday.

Not only did they leave the city without a victory over the Dinos in Saturday night’s game, they left the city without some of their wallets, cell phones and iPods.

While they were playing, someone entered their makeshift locker room in B88 near the Jack Simpson Gymnasium and grabbed valuables, making off with $4,200 worth of goods, according to Campus Security.

“The tough part from our point of view is no signs of entry,” said Dinos athletic director Kevin Boyles. “No broken lock, so with locked doors on both sides indicates it’s an old key or something that’s out. We’re changing the locks this week.”

Calgary Police Service was called and attended to the site, but there were no witnesses and no suspects available at the time.

The Dinos have experienced similar thefts while travelling for games, including last year at the U of A, Boyles said.

“We’re realizing we need better due diligence, when we’re on the road as well,” he added. “Just because we have a locked door, doesn’t mean valuables are safe behind it.”

Boyles is considering advising teams to take a bag to collect wallets, cell phones and iPods and bring that bag with them onto the court when they’re on the road.

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