We found 22 results for your search.

Modern Calgary

By Claire Cummings

Step out of the everyday world and into the mini-metropolis of the Calgary Modern exhibit. Now showing at the Nickle Art Museum, the exhibit chronicles the design and architecture of the International Modern movement, and how it impacted Calgary from 1947-67. The exhibit is a constructed environment within the museum. Planes and surfaces are transposed… Continue reading Modern Calgary

Trading off individual rights for community protection

By Claire Cummings

Many Western Canadians buy into the myth of civil liberties and civil freedom. Though it may not be nearly as evident in big cities or on university campuses, suspicion of government intervention and taxation has been a mark of the mid-Western mindset in Canada for a hundred years. Like our American counterparts, Western Canadians, particularly… Continue reading Trading off individual rights for community protection

Malinsky’s sketches find the dark clown

By Claire Cummings

Charles Malinsky loves clowns, but if clowns bring to mind cheerful entertainers in face paint who make balloon animals, think again. Malinsky’s work looks at the dark flip-side of the archetypal jester figure. Throughout the ages, the jester and the clown have had important roles in society. These were voices for the dark side of… Continue reading Malinsky’s sketches find the dark clown

Culture Jamming :

By Claire Cummings

If you have ever tried to find a Snapple or a Coke on campus, you have glimpsed the power of advertising. There’s not a Coca-Cola product to be found because Pepsi helps pay for your university career in exchange for your undivided consumer attention. Big business means big money, and big money means anything’s for… Continue reading Culture Jamming :

Shelter from the cold

By Claire Cummings

I stepped into the Art is Vital gallery and out of the freezing wind on a strange Calgary winter day. Winter Solace II , an exhibition showing until Jan. 29, lived up to its name and offered respite from the blowing snow outside. The show is the second half of an exhibition of Calgarian artists… Continue reading Shelter from the cold

I don’t hate my generation

By Claire Cummings

The quest for identity is a cliché preoccupation for Canadians. Having an unfortunate combination of Canadian malaise and 21st century malaise, you’d think most members of Generation Duh would stop questing and just give up. Some have. The media philosophizes endlessly about our apathy, cynicism and detachment, and are mystified by our refusal to be… Continue reading I don’t hate my generation


By Claire Cummings

Many a grungy student traveller visited the Moulin Rouge in Paris because it’s listed in their travel guide. Besides the voyeuristic appeal of the Montmartre sex shops and brothels, what’s the big deal? That’s where Henri Toulouse-Lautrec comes into the picture. The bohemian painter and lithographer, whose works currently show at the Glenbow, gives us… Continue reading Toulouse-Lautrec