We found 13 results for your search.

U of C scores poorly on free speech

By Diltaj Atwal

On Sept. 24 a report was published by the right-wing think tank Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms that grades freedom of speech on Canadian campuses. The report measures 45 Canadian public universities, including the University of Calgary. The U of C ranked poorly in respect to free speech. The JCCF report graded universities and student… Continue reading U of C scores poorly on free speech

U of C gets record donations, discusses energy plan

By Diltaj Atwal

The University of Calgary wants to do more energy research and they’re looking to private donors for help. During a community report last week, the U of C announced it raised a record $123.7 million, mostly from philanthropists and corporate donors. From this sum, $40 million was donated by the Taylor family. “The budget work… Continue reading U of C gets record donations, discusses energy plan