We found 22 results for your search.

The beauty beneath

By Madeleine Somerville

Isn’t it enough to live in a world where we are all judged harshly and cruelly on our outward appearances? A world where our insecurities fuel innumerable multi-million dollar industries created to sculpt, disguise, change, flaunt and otherwise alter our outward appearance to fit a narrowly defined standard of beauty. Isn’t it enough that we… Continue reading The beauty beneath

Xmas with perks

By Madeleine Somerville

Jesus versus Santa Claus. No, it’s not a special holiday installment of Celebrity Boxing, it’s the battle silently taking place in many homes that celebrate Christmas each year. As our culture has grown increasingly secular, we have discarded the reasons for the holidays, replacing the religious meaning with candy and gifts. We’ve traded the “eternal… Continue reading Xmas with perks

The post-secondary act and the U of C

By Madeleine Somerville

Bill 43 has caused a commotion as Alberta post-secondary students try to reconcile themselves to proposed changes to the role of the Graduate Students’ Association, significance of the Students’ Union, the removal of professors’ and graduate students’ right to strike and, above all, changes to how university tuition is determined. Described by Alberta Learning spokesperson… Continue reading The post-secondary act and the U of C

A global potluck

By Madeleine Somerville

For those who oppose globalization, one of the biggest concerns associated with the concept is Westernization, or worse– Americanization. One of the arguments that seems to surface every time the dirty G-word is mentioned is the hell that will ensue if globalization continues and every city in the world has a McDonald’s at one end… Continue reading A global potluck

Confronting an epidemic

By Madeleine Somerville

The indifference is enough to make you sick. Over 975,000 Canadians are living in “third world conditions.” Their babies are more likely to die, their unemployment rate is almost double that of the general population, and suicide among their youth is becoming more common every year. “It used to be called ‘the Indian Problem,’” sighs… Continue reading Confronting an epidemic

Dealing with dichotomy

By Madeleine Somerville

Where does one draw the line when making a decision about the character of an individual in the public eye? In the so-called ‘information age’ where one can find out anything about anyone, how does the public decide what to take into account when evaluating someone for a political position, or when determining their merit… Continue reading Dealing with dichotomy

Marriage obsolete

By Madeleine Somerville

We’ve all heard of women marrying for money. Platinum blonde golddiggers prancing around in faux Manolo Blahniks, doused in cheap perfume, pledging their love to an 89-year-old man with a bad cough. If you ask some sociologists though, they might tell you the very concepts of marriage and monogamy were originally motivated by economics. Before… Continue reading Marriage obsolete

Our sexual selves

By Madeleine Somerville

With the rising frequency of allegations of sexual assault and/or abuse being leveled atĀ individuals in positions of power, one begins to wonder why. Priests and religious figures, teachers, even the RCMP, have all been accused of sex crimes against co-workers or the very people they are supposed to lead, teach and protect. This troubling fact… Continue reading Our sexual selves