Midterm Review: Men’s Soccer

By Amanda and Krista VanSteelandt


Despite losing 12 veteran players from last year’s roster, those that remained stepped up and the rookies pulled their own weight. Adam (A-Mac) MacDonald moved from the front lines to support the team at the back and got himself named a Canada West First-Team All-Star. Carlos (Hot Karl) Cruz was named to the Second-Team and pulled in a solid number of goals.


You can never leave one of their games early; they can pull off miracles in the final minutes.


If they ever did think of quitting, Head Coach Andy Gibbs would put fear into their hearts. He had the rookies moulded before the pre-season was over, he’s got a great set of lungs and really knows his stuff. Did you know that swimming after soccer helps get rid of the lactic acid your muscles? Gibbs did. Plus, he gives the best quotes.


We had serious doubts that they were going to make Canada West playoffs at the end of the season. But the Dinos got in by the skin of their noses thanks to the University of Lethbridge, of all teams. Once they made it in, they showed they deserved to be there, giving both the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds and the University of Alberta Golden Bears a run for their money. Losing to the U of A was still disappointing though–they were rookie infested too.

Overall: B+

Animal: Salmon. They’re preyed upon by birds and bears, but have a strong natural instinct to head up river and start another generation of successful swimmers. They jump waterfalls, and that’s cool.

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