Looking at the life of the sasquatch

By Amanda Hu

The sasquatch is many things to many people. While some say it’s a myth, others wholeheartedly believe in this being’s existence, even making their livelihood off the legend. To one man stuck in the wilds of British Columbia, though, it was his partner in a hair-raising one-night stand. Hair of the Sasquatch revolves around Steve… Continue reading Looking at the life of the sasquatch

Broken Contender breaks in young filmmaker

By Elyse Merriman

Hoping for the best was what director Chris Scheuerman did for his latest film, Hope for the Broken Contender. The film, about a young boxer’s aspirations of becoming a professional while being drawn to street gangs, is receiving acclaim, which comes as a surprise to the young director. “I didn’t expect to get anything back… Continue reading Broken Contender breaks in young filmmaker