SU Election Forums

By Joanna Farley

“I’ve been acclaimed VP Op-Fi, unfortunately.”

Hopefully, Rob White was referring to the Students’ Union election process that allows for acclamations and not to the actual position of Vice-President Operations and Finance itself.

The Op-Fi Candidates’ forum held on Tue., March 12 attracted a small but loud crowd eager to ask questions of the newly acclaimed VP-elect and two of the four acclaimed Op-Fi commissioners.

Although the number of acclamations raised some concerns about SU accountability and the qualifications of the student reps, White and the commissioners-elects Stephen Torscher and Richard "Krafty" Bergen appeared knowledgeable.

"I want to make Mac Hall accessible and lobby the university to make other buildings accessible," said White when asked about his first priority as VP Op-Fi.

Serious matters aside, the crowd instead turned to the ridiculous.

"Is it true you are Toby White 2.0?" asked one student.

"That’s right, I’m the upgraded version," said White before adding brainwashing may prevent trouble caused by unruly commissioners.

Ryan Gordon and Tanya Kotwall have also been acclaimed Op-Fi commissioners but were not present at the forum.

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