VP Events

By Mary Chan

Chris Kerr’s right-hand woman has paid her dues over the past year, and now she’s reaping the rewards. Enyedy’s experience in the Events portfolio has made her the best candidate for the position.


With a strong background as an Events Commissioner, an ongoing stint on the Alliance-Atlantis promotions team and a strong commitment to SLC, Enyedy has taken everything as a learning opportunity and she’s been taking good notes. She understands all the aspects of her portfolio, from event planning to health to safety to sports. She was the only candidate who knew who who SU Programs Director Greg Curtis is and that he books concerts, not the VP Events-something that may prove important over the course of the next year.


Enyedy’s platform builds on what Kerr has done this year and adds a few ideas of her own. She wants to increase the focus on Rez, expand on the leadership conference held earlier this month and see the return of the Blue Banana Lounge. She also plans to maintain efforts surrounding Den security and newer events like Cinemania and Acid Jazz Fridays. Oustide of these, Enyedy has plans for a university festival, more special nights at the Den and promoting interfaculty rivalries to increase school spirit. While this may sound like a lot of ideas to chew on, Enyedy’s prior experience with the SU keeps them edible.


Enyedy is collected and focused. She has a good sense of her position and seems very confident in communicating her ideas. Definitely more than just a safe bet.

Magic Eight Ball says:

Better not tell you now.