Vp External: Outworked by peers

While Vuckovic had no real failures as VP external, he also had very few successes. His personal contact with the media was dwarfed severely by SU President Matt Stambaugh’s, and the SU lobbying efforts should have been more aggressive. While he did save the SU money by not adopting provincial lobby group Council of Alberta University Students’ advertising model early in the year, CAUS and federal lobby group the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations were underutilized. Vuckovic’s involvement with CASA was minimal until the final months of the year, which were primarily spent on internal CASA issues, rather than lobbying. In this case, if our VP external, whose job it is to lobby government, isn’t involved, can we really get our money’s worth? Furthermore, his work leading the SU’s Tuition Action Commitee was less than stellar. He was outworked by many of his fellow execs, notably Stambaugh and VP Events Irene Enyedey.

However, Vuckovic’s year still had successes. Regardless of his involvement in TAC, many of the tuition events and protests were a huge success by U of C apathy standards. He also helped cPIRG with their, albeit failed, referendum question, giving them “every opportunity to democratically” get on the ballot. Vuckovic also encouraged the SU to stay in CASA, and they did. And while differential tuition was approved, it came with a number of strings attached due to issues the SU raised, like grandfathering and no differential in the faculty of management.

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