A Thank-You From the Students’ Union

By Richard “Krafty” Bergen

To 99 per cent of students out there, thank-you. To those of you who visit our establishments to have a good time and socialize, to watch a band play, to have a drink or two and cut it up on the dance floor, to hang out with friends and kick back after a long day of classes, thank you. Those of you who step into the doors of the Den in good spirits, who treat each other and our staff with respect, and who know not to cross the line between having a good time and getting yourself, and others, into trouble, we appreciate you and your business. Those of you who come to our concerts to watch a band play, jump up and down to your favourite songs, and spend the night with a smile across your face, we enjoy serving you as best we can.

For the few of you who cannot follow the simple rules of common decency which apply to all aspects of life, we hope that you can maintain a level of decorum while within our establishments, or we will ask you to leave–permanently.

We here at the Students’ Union appreciate that everyone is out looking to have a good time, but when your idea of fun encroaches on others ability to enjoy themselves, your business is no longer desired. If you’re going to fight, you will be gone. If you’re going to be disrespectful to other patrons, you will be gone. If you are going to be disrespectful to staff members, you will be gone. If we kick you out, you will not be coming back. Ever.

Our goal is to serve the student population as best as possible, and in doing so, we seek to have a safe campus environment, free from those without the decency to treat others in the most respectful of manners.

So, should you choose to visit the Den or attend one of the concerts put on by the SU, be courteous to those around you. There’s nothing we love more than showing a group of students and their friends a good, fun, safe time. So bring your friends, laugh, be merry, meet new people, and at the end of the night go home happy, knowing you’ll be more than welcome the next time you come by for a visit.


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