Music Interview: Sex machine in training preach peace

By Kyle Francis

We live in a world where, in the past year, a major war has started, causing the deaths of thousands. We live in a world where hundreds upon thousands of people die every year from terminal illness and thousands more children die every hour from hunger or hunger related diseases. In light of this, it… Continue reading Music Interview: Sex machine in training preach peace

Comic Review: Bighead’s Bighead full of big heady laughs

By Garth Paulson

Let’s face it, superheroes are easy targets for ridicule. Not taking a genius to poke fun at these selfless, Halloween-costumed crusaders, most of the comedy surrounding the whole superhero universe fails miserably. It is not comedic genius to poke fun at U.S. President George W. Bush by insinuating he isn’t particularly bright or pointing out… Continue reading Comic Review: Bighead’s Bighead full of big heady laughs

Art Review: This exhibit brought to you by the word “the”

By Rob Scherf

Take a moment to consider the immense amount of information the average person intakes every day. Discounting the things our minds are required to internalize–class notes, conversations–there are always thousands of incidental details around us demanding notice. Imagine the millions of tiny and disposable bits of human life that those unremarkable details are built from,… Continue reading Art Review: This exhibit brought to you by the word “the”

Theatre Review: Black Rider has devil’s whimsy

By Paul Jarvey

Bargains with the devil are never easy to escape, slinking through woods dark with allusion and symbolism. November Theatre’s The Black Rider took the Big Secret Theatre stage with unexpected brilliance. A dark dance of light and style paying no attention to an audience’s sense of warmth and comfort, it’s anything but unsatisfying. In this… Continue reading Theatre Review: Black Rider has devil’s whimsy

Theatre Preview: “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you Little Wooden Boy?” – The Mighty Tick

By Jaime Burnet

An animated Jiminy Cricket strolls out onto the Martha Cohen stage. “Good evening, folks,” he squeaks, tipping his two-dimensional top hat and swinging his umbrella. “I’m here to tell you a little story about a puppet who wanted to be a real boy. It all started when–” “What’s that on the stage?” asks Pinocchio director… Continue reading Theatre Preview: “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you Little Wooden Boy?” – The Mighty Tick

Volleysaurs untouchable

By Jo Wynn

The Dinos women’s volleyball team closed the first half of the 2004/2005 season with a bang Nov. 26-27, defeating the University of Saskatchewan Huskies 3-0 two nights in a row. Friday night, the Dinos didn’t give the Huskies a chance, coming out in full force to win the first set 25-10. “We felt right at… Continue reading Volleysaurs untouchable