Football team can secure home playoff date with win

By Jon Roe

With a home playoff date nearly secured, it’s a tough time of year for the Dinos football team to stay focused on the task at hand.

“You got mid-terms, you got kids sick, you know, the flu season’s here,” says Dinos head coach Blake Nill. “All these things come into play. They’re tired and it makes it very tough to be a student athlete at this time.”

It’s also easy for the Dinos to be focused on the playoffs instead of the last two regular season games against the Rams (3-3) at McMahon and the University of Alberta Golden Bears (3-3) in Edmonton. Especially having beaten both teams earlier in the season.

Nill says that sometimes the players look ahead too far, the coaches job is to make sure they stay focused on short term goals: the next game, or even just the next practice.

“We’re always sending a message that we have to stay focused and we have to continue to play one game at a time,” says Nill.

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