SU Reviews: Ola Mohajer

Remember when Snooki got day-drunk and hobbled down to the beach in her fluffy slippers, falling flat on her face and disrupting innocent beach-going families with her belligerent antics? Only one thing was there for her in her time of darkness — the Seaside Heights Police Department. Mohajer is the chief.

Mohajer has been one of the best su executives in the past few years. She has been instrumental in influencing the direction of the University of Calgary’s strategic plan, Eyes High.

Initially, the document included little mention of teaching and a lot about research. Mohajer and the su team made recommendations to the administration, and the key goal of “enriching student experience with and through research” was changed to “quality and breadth of learning.”

Mohajer’s advocacy skills will affect the direction of the university for the next five years. She has also met with every faculty representative to discuss how to use the campus improvement fund and improve spaces on campus.

She planned to have a conference for professors to share information about material affordability, but scrapped those plans. Instead, she is working on an information package about material affordability to send to professors and an incentive program similar to teaching excellence awards, yet there is still a lot of work to be done to make materials more affordable.

When Mohajer ran for the position, she called for a centralized website for awards and scholarships, and it has been approved by the university and the first phase is expected to be ready for fall 2012.

She said she knew there was a lot of committee work involved, but underestimated the time commitment of dean searches.

Mohajer has improved her delegation skills, and she did find other people to take over a few committee positions for the future.

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