SU Reviews: Patrick Straw

Pauly D is probably the best type of wingman a bronzed post-adolescent claiming Italian ancestry could ask for. His perfectly-gelled hair won’t budge after dancing for four hours, and he’s the only member of the cast with a perceptible talent — chicks dig djs, bro. And you know what chicks also dig? The ability to discover the best solutions to any of the issues that arise when a big project is underway, and finding the most affordable way to go about them.

Enter Patrick Straw. His best efforts to accomplish this were tested in the last semester, and regardless of the many struggles that came up, he pushed through them and reached some tangible results.

His biggest successes were the implementation of a Fair Trade campus, as well as reaching an agreement for the Stor expansion, which took some space away from the Hive, the clubs’ meeting space and area.

He says that through the struggles, without the student input and negotiations with administration, none of these accomplishments would have been possible.

“We really had to make sure that these changes would be benefiting the students and would be do-able. Having [the university] agree and work with our operation is a huge victory,” said Straw.

His shortcomings occurred with the new trash, recycling and compost bins that were installed in MacHall this semester, as students found them confusing, and they were expensive, but Straw says it was a rocky step to better waste disposal at the U of C.

“Not everything can be planned perfectly,” he said, adding that once the issues are identified, communication, management and discussion are necessary to fix the problems.

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