By Tendayi Moyo
Looking for that special someone who shares your love of Farscape fan fiction? Do you want to become a philanthropist? Like a shining beacon of hope in the humdrum of the new semester, clubs showcase is here.
The showcase will take place in the MacEwan Concert Hall January 13–16 from 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
The showcase looks to give students an alternative to spending their post-holiday slump wandering the halls like some hungry nomad.
“[University] can be a very isolating place,” said World University Service of Canada co-chair Sabrina Niesmam. “I feel like clubs get you out and get you meeting people with similar interests.”
Social whizzes who don’t need new friends might consider how a club could stoke their career aspirations.
“I’ve learned so much from being in a club that I couldn’t learn in a classroom,” Niesmam said.
With over 300 campus clubs on display and CJSW spinning that hot fire, those looking for a little extra out of university need look no further than MacHall.
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