We found 11 results for your search.

State of the union: sick

By Jesse G. Hamonic

Revoking its official group status, the University of Calgary Students’ Union put a final nail in the coffin of Campus Pro Life. In doing so, the SU has proven that not only does U of C administration have little tolerance for free speech, but neither does the SU. This reprehensible action has caused irreparable damage… Continue reading State of the union: sick

The coercion factory

By Jesse G. Hamonic

May 10, 1933, on the Opernplatz in Berlin, the Nazis burnt some 20,000 books from university libraries. This horrific event occurred because the Nazis did not find the books to be in line with their beliefs. This atrocious incident prompted Albert Einstein to move to the United States and later gave reason for countries– like… Continue reading The coercion factory

Liberal leadership crisis

By Jesse G. Hamonic

After experiencing one of the worst defeats in Liberal history, Liberal leader Stephane Dion announced his resignation. Although a new leader may be helpful, the Liberals still find themselves near an abyss of irrelevance. Dion turned out to be such a weak and ineffective leader, he had no other option than to resign. As a… Continue reading Liberal leadership crisis

Time to clean the cabinet

By Jesse G. Hamonic

After coming close but not quite reaching majority government status in a hard fought campaign, Stephen Harper has taken the formation of a new Parliament as an occasion to reorganize his cabinet. Although Harper claims he wanted to maintain stability by changing little, aside from a few main portfolios, everything has changed. With a brand… Continue reading Time to clean the cabinet

Playground bully protesters

By Jesse G. Hamonic

Some think political attack ads are terrible, but try placing a Liberal lawn sign on your front yard and come morning, someone has destroyed your sign and cut the brake line of your Volvo station wagon. This incident, among others, such as telephone and cable lines being cut and political graffiti carved into automobile paint… Continue reading Playground bully protesters

Averting an epidemic: market solutions for Canada’s food safety

By Jesse G. Hamonic

Towards the end of the summer, 38 people were infected by listeriosis, 18 of whom died. This horrific epidemic gives rise to the serious question of how this could have happened. Some have been quick to blame free markets, others, the government. Perhaps the real cause of this sad event is simply the existence of… Continue reading Averting an epidemic: market solutions for Canada’s food safety