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By Вen Li
Twice in two days, the Calgary Public Interest Research Group was rebuffed by University of Calgary Students’ Union. A resolution that would have let students vote whether to financially support CPIRG in the upcoming general election was defeated by the Students’ Legislative Council on Tue., Jan. 14 after CPIRG failed to gain support from the… Continue reading CPIRG levy not on the ballot
By Joel McNally
The Calgary Public Interest Research Group is gone from the Students’ Union ballot this year, but it is certainly not forgotten at the University of Calgary.The question of whether undergraduate students would pay a per-semester levy of $2 per full-time student and $1 per part-time student to support CPIRG was initially approved for the U… Continue reading CPIRG looks ahead
By Joel McNally
The Calgary Public Interest Research Group has been sent back to the drawing board. On Tue., Feb. 5, the Students’ Legislative Council elected to reconsider their former inclusion of the CPIRG referendum question for the upcoming general election.The CPIRG referendum question originally passed on Jan. 23, by a majority of 10 to eight. The motion… Continue reading CPIRG struck from election ballot
By Joel McNally
A controversial referendum question squeaked past the University of Calgary Students’ Legislative Council and students now have another levy to vote on in March.The levy will support the proposed Calgary Public Interest Research Group and, if approved, will require full-time students to pay $2 per semester 2004, when a sunset clause requires the levy to… Continue reading CPIRG set for referendum
By Editorial
Around this time of year, the Students’ Union gears up for its general elections. Now, before we lose you at the word “election,” consider that this year’s ballot box will be bursting at the seams with referenda questions. Unsurprisingly, not all of groups vying for your money deserve it. Not yet, at least.It seems the… Continue reading PIRG on the prowl
By Natalie Sit
The proposed University of Calgary student-run Public Interest Research Group’s win in the Students’ Union plebiscite has raised questions about their future. A total of 1,889 students approved the plebiscite with a majority of students in favour of a $1.00 levy. Slightly more than 40 per cent of students voted against PIRG. Unlike a referendum,… Continue reading PIRG looks ahead
By Editorial
From March 14-16, you can vote for your Students’ Union, Board of Governors and Senate representatives. More importantly than that, you can also vote on the PIRG plebiscite. In case you’re the kind of person that only reads the first paragraph of the editorial, we’ll state for the record that we think a PIRG on… Continue reading Send a message, vote for PIRG
By Daniel Pagan
A series of alarming revelations has student leaders looking over their shoulders in Ontario. An anonymous source posted several audio files, photos and transcripts to the website Wikileaks in mid-March, spilling the beans on an Ontario Progressive Conservative Campus Association’s workshop at the University of Waterloo last February. Conservative MP Peter Braid and his campaign… Continue reading Conservatives accused of setting up campus front groups
By Chris Beauchamp
A recent study blasts textbook companies for business practices they say gouge students. The conclusions and methodology of the study have been questioned by both American and Canadian organizations which represent major textbook companies. The report by the California Student Public Interest Research Group, titled Ripoff 101, accuses textbook publishers of publishing new editions without… Continue reading Books gouge students: report
By Natalie Sit
A contingency plan is now in place to accommodate Muslim students for 2004’s Ramadan if the multi-faith prayer space is not open in time. According to Students’ Union Vice-President Operations and Finance Gavin Preston, the Shirley Anastasia Robertson Lounge will be available, perhaps at a reduced price. "If a certain event is applied to [be… Continue reading Backup plan for Ramadan