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Fatwa, Shmatwa…

By Rob Engen

Death-marks just don’t come with the same style that they used to.Back in the day, having a fatwa brought down on your head was really something special. It meant that your heretical ass had done something to infuriate a man with serious power–there’s a peculiar respectability in having the Ayatollah of Iran put out the… Continue reading Fatwa, Shmatwa…

U of C needs to look at environment

By Murray Birt

“There are not enough great things in our society because there are too many good things,” said President Harvey Weingarten to the Nov. 2002 graduates. Referring to society in general, but higher education specifically, Dr. Weingarten is working to make the University of Calgary a great university. That is to be applauded. However, one area… Continue reading U of C needs to look at environment

Rethinking the Kyoto Accord

By Murray Birt

>”We’re Albertans… of course we care about the environment.” Or so goes Alberta’s Kyoto advertising campaign. So what is it all about? Are economics and ecology forever doomed to be at loggerheads? This PIRG column aims to “percolate” ideas about social justice and the environment into the campus community. While some might think that makes… Continue reading Rethinking the Kyoto Accord

Wetsuit replaced by sound conservatism

By Kyle Young

We can now all wave good-bye to Stockwell Day with a sigh of relief more collective than a mandate from CPIRG. Without a doubt, it’s a positive thing for right wingers everywhere that wetsuit boy has taken his jet ski and driven off into the sunset. However, the looming question remains: will Harper be able… Continue reading Wetsuit replaced by sound conservatism

All will be beautificated

By Kyle Young

Disclaimer: This is the humour section. We know CPIRG are not really like the Borg, and no, Canada is not putting warnings on religious items. (But Harvey should still get dreadlocks.)In a move expected to further fan the flames of the Calgary Public Interest Research Group controversy, the quasi-socialist grouping has decided to do something… Continue reading All will be beautificated

Activists’ lament


Editor, the Gauntlet,Re: "PIRG on the prowl," and "PIRG set for referendum," Jan. 31, 2002.CPIRG would like to thank the Gauntlet for taking the time and space for communication. We would like to clarify some key points.There are 18 PIRGs in Canada at some very prestigious universities, including McGill, Waterloo and Simon Fraser. We are… Continue reading Activists’ lament