We found 23 results for your search.

A reason to celebrate?

By Kurt Genest

Have you felt something special in the air this year? Perhaps it’s the festive spirit of having fought to a stalemate with the Americans in the War of 1812, which the federal government has devoted $28 million to celebrating? After all, Prime Minister Stephen Harper declared, upon winning last year’s election, that Canada is a… Continue reading A reason to celebrate?

Letter: Horse races

By Doug James

Regarding Kurt Genest’s April 5 article “Horses, ponies, races and ridings,” Danielle Smith and the Wildrose have rhetoric but no track record. Smith’s endorsement of the libertarian perspective should scare the heck out of anyone who can read (and chooses to) and think. Alison Redford looks like the first intelligent PC leader we’ve had since… Continue reading Letter: Horse races

Parliament: Canada’s torture chambers

By Kurt Genest

Great news: the “war on terror” is finally over! Bad news: we lost. Our prime minister and his government have made much of terrorism lately. Last year, Stephen Harper expressed his concern that “Islamicism,” a term that refers to Islamic-based terrorism and is highly offensive to some, is the greatest security threat facing our country.… Continue reading Parliament: Canada’s torture chambers

Taking a stand against uncomfortable seating

By Kurt Genest

The latest research in the field of education suggests that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become an “expert” at something. Mozart and music? Ten thousand hours. Gretzky and hockey? Ten thousand hours. Gordon Ramsay and profanity? Ten thousand hours. While mastery of such abilities is a rare feat, there is one field… Continue reading Taking a stand against uncomfortable seating

Bicyclists and the death of polite society

By Kurt Genest

Our modern world is plagued by a good many problems. Pollution contributes to global warming and breathing disorders. Sedentary lifestyles lead to obesity, a key contributor to heart attacks, strokes and a host of other ailments. It is in this, our greatest time of despair, that the bicycle emerges as a candle in the night… Continue reading Bicyclists and the death of polite society