Club me ’til I’m week

By Dean Hetherington

Back for its second round this academic year, the time for making new friends and finding new hobbies is once again gracing MacHall. It’s everyones favourite time of the year, Clubs Week.

Clubs Week is the U of C’s semi-annual cavalcade of unique groups and organizations put on display by the Students’ Union. During the week, students have the chance to join a variety of diverse clubs, collectives, fraternities and sororities, giving them the opportunity to find new communities, new opportunities to connect with like-minded people, and the means to expand the depth of their involvement on campus.

Typically, the Clubs Week during winter semester experiences less student involvement than its September counterpart.

Wanaemi Eke-Spiff, an executive with the African Students Association, noticed a difference from the recruitment drive during fall semester.

“We have been doing well today.Lots of people have been looking at our table,” said Eke-Spiff. “We were doing much better during first semester though.”

Henry Nguyen, an executive with the Hip Hop and Funk Styles club, felt more than just mid-year apathy was at work preventing students from joining new clubs. Nguyen said this week’s cold temperatures ­– sending a chill to any tables close to the doors ­– were preventing students from stopping and taking interest.

“We’ve gotten some new members, but it’s so cold in here, people just move through as quickly as possible,” said Nguyen.

Despite the cold weather and the mid-year rush, vice-president student life Matt Diteljan is hopeful students will take time to try something new and find their place in the campus community.

“Clubs are probably some of the best-established communities we have on campus,” said Diteljan.

“There are so many different clubs, no matter what interest students have. Any student who has wanted to join a club but never got around to it, just make sure you do.”

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