Spun: Lonely Drifter Karen

By Susan Park

Lonely Drifter Karen’s debut album, Grass is Singing, is a perfect soundtrack for daydreamers. This band is very clearly influenced by its creation, which started in vocalist, guitarist and lyricist Tanja Frinta’s early ’20s when she left her hometown Vienna for Sweden, eventually moving to Barcelona. In Barcelona, she met her Spanish lover and pianist Marc Media Sobrevas and Italian drummer Giorgio Menossi.

Unlike a lot of mainstream pop music, Lonely Drifter Karen’s songs are soothing. Going through the songs, you can visualize many surreal scenes such as breezy meadows filled with daisies, creepy owls reigning the night forest on a full moon and bustling early 20th century European market places.

The band’s technical musical abilities set them apart from mainstream pop. Not only can you find your inner peace, you can also spend 50 or so minutes marvelling at their creativity in magical combinations of Frinta’s ethereal voice, musical instruments ranging from acoustic guitars to triangles, whistling, clapping and other unidentifiable sound effects.

The carefree sound of Grass is Singing makes for a completely calming effort and a great indication of Lonely Drifter Karen’s talents.

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