SU midterm reviews: VP operations and finance Joey Brocke

By Noah Miller

If alcoholic beverages could morph into Students’ Union executives, than a double Jack ‘n’ coke would likely become Joey Brocke.

Strong, concentrated and leagues different than the common rum counterpart, Brocke brings some serious can-do powerhouse to the vice-president operations and finance position.

Even if it isn’t the most delicious project to down, governance review has been his primary goal and he is getting ‘er done. The first part of the year saw Brocke dive into the major issues with planning, information gathering and preliminary discussions. As a result you can really taste the Joey Daniels in governance review.

An almost overwhelming amount of his opinions have been reflected in the review, but if Tuesday’s first vote was any indication, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Alongside this colossus of a project Brocke has also been committed to other heavy tasks such as the MacEwan Student Centre renovations, specifically the new clubs space, the integration of the old CJSW space and a redesign of the outdated SU website.

The only downfall to being filled with so many heavy projects is that it leaves Brocke with less room for some of the sweet stuff, namely clubs and funding models. Though Brocke admits he hasn’t had the chance to work on improved communication with clubs, he has at least maintained the status quo.

Nevertheless, with his heavier projects coming to their culmination, Brocke will have the chance to water down his drink a bit and refocus on the other facets of his job.

Brocke’s work ethic mixed with the sweet success his projects are enjoying is something a lot of students could get used to liking.

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