New study reveals Calgarians love bad weather

By Dawn Muenchrath

A recent study conducted by the University of Calgary’s sociology department has brought to light a shocking secret about Calgarians: we actually like our city’s unpredictable and miserable winter weather. This finding flies in the face of years and years of resident testimonials professing a love for warm, mild weather. Desiring to appear normal and… Continue reading New study reveals Calgarians love bad weather

Faculty of arts teams up with choice retailer

By Melanie Bethune

Arts programs have never been of the highest priority to Alberta’s education system, particularly when it comes to funding and the distribution of grants. With the recent announcement of the multi-million dollar expansion to the Schulich School of Engineering, as well as the new sponsorship from Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., the students and staff of… Continue reading Faculty of arts teams up with choice retailer

Guy won’t let go of that one joke he made

By Elizabeth Scott

Third-year engineering student Victor Clement just cannot seem to get over that one joke he made that one time. In early April, 2011, Clement was hanging out with a group of friends when he reportedly told a great joke regarding the recently released film The Last Godfather. The friends were meeting to discuss the details… Continue reading Guy won’t let go of that one joke he made

Student still has superiority complex about owning a BlackBerry

By Elizabeth Scott

While the rest of the world is celebrating the release of the latest iPhone, one University of Calgary student has yet to come down from the high of owning a BlackBerry Pearl. Fourth-year political science major Andrea Sykes just cannot seem to get over the rush that comes with owning the latest gadget, even if… Continue reading Student still has superiority complex about owning a BlackBerry

Student inconveniently struck by inspiration

By Elizabeth Scott

Early Monday morning, a University of Calgary student was struck by inspiration at one of the most inconvenient times possible. At approximately 3 a.m. on Monday morning, third-year biology major Stefania Barnes was preparing for an upcoming midterm when she was reportedly overcome with a burning desire to just try out something new. “I was… Continue reading Student inconveniently struck by inspiration

Gamers duped by release of kinder GTA

By Chris Adams

Late last Monday, gamers took a short break from running over the homeless and stealing jet-packs from military bases to descend upon the world’s media-peddlers in order to be the first to get their hands on Grand Theft Auto V. ​They were, upon leaving the midnight-release, shocked when the ritualistic death-simulator marketed at them for… Continue reading Gamers duped by release of kinder GTA

Student discovers perfect not awkward position for hands in pictures

By Elizabeth Scott

One University of Calgary student may have discovered a solution to one of the greatest dilemmas since the beginning of portraiture. After two decades of struggling with awkward hand positioning in photographs, third-year philosophy student Anthony Foster decided to take matters into his own unphotogenic hands by creating the ultimate hand position. “I never knew… Continue reading Student discovers perfect not awkward position for hands in pictures

The ultimate Canadian sport

By Sean Sullivan

Two students from the Schulich School of Engineering are attempting to invent a new sport by reimagining the medieval game of jousting. Typically relegated to renaissance fairs, jousting hasn’t had a lot of success in the last 700 years. Hoping to change that, the two university students intend to add a Canadian twist. “Just imagine… Continue reading The ultimate Canadian sport