Poppin’ collars

By Jordyn Marcellus

Popped collars are a noble tradition that have yet to be recognized by the haute couture fashion designers. American Eagle and Abercrombie and Fitch– those bastions of cool and incomparable style– have promoted it amongst their clientele. Rap luminaries, too, are getting into the game– one of the greatest songs about fashion is from Three… Continue reading Poppin’ collars

Playing around with loneliness

By Jordyn Marcellus

It’s pretty unbelievable what people will do to look different from one another. With the recent release of The Dark Knight, there’s a whole legion of people donning the cracked white makeup of Heath Ledger’s Joker in an attempt to differentiate from their other, partying peers. At first blush, it’s beyond ridiculous– a bunch of… Continue reading Playing around with loneliness

Dictating culture to the masses

By Jordyn Marcellus

We’re an entertainment junky culture. From a young age we get addicted to injecting ourselves full of pop fluff, then spend our time looking for the next big fix. Curmudgeons on the right bemoan the lack of morals and values in society while curmudgeons on the left bitch about how this Nintendo generation is unwilling… Continue reading Dictating culture to the masses

The rise of raunch

By Jordyn Marcellus

In 1927, before anything like post-feminism or the notion of sex-positivity became vogue in academic circles, the seed that would become lipstick feminism was planted in German expressionist cinema. One of the most memorable scenes in the 1927 film Metropolis is when, after the virginal Maria’s appearance is copied onto a robot clone, the doppelganger… Continue reading The rise of raunch