Academic Festivus

By Demetrios Nicolaides

Students often struggle to recognise that many services are available to them through the Students’ Union and the University of Calgary to ease the pains of academics. For example, did you know that Counselling offers academic and career workshops to help you learn how to prepare for tests and conquer test anxiety? If your essays are not A+ material, the Effective Writing Centre offers free writing consultations to give advice on how to improve essay structure, get advice on documenting sources, and reviewing returned essays. Furthermore, an excellent way to prepare for exams is to purchase old exams from Bound & Copied. The International Student Centre allows you to travel to exotic locations and receive transfer credit by studying abroad at over 58 different universities worldwide. Students with disabilities ranging from attention deficit, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, or chronic health issues can visit the Disability Resource Centre to identify reasonable academic accommodations that will help you successfully complete your academic career. If university is becoming too pricey for you, the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office offers numerous scholarships to students and are available to provide financial advice to you and assist with student loans. The library is a haven during exam time, offering extended hours to complete essays, quiet workrooms and various computer stations. Lastly, if you need help appealing a midterm or grade on an assignment, or just want advice on your rights, visit the SU’s very own Students’ Rights Advisor.

Even better, almost all of the above services are free and available to you! How can you find out more? Join the Students’ Union during the Academic Festivus, Jan. 27-29 from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. in MacEwan Hall to learn about the various academic services on campus and win prizes including $500 towards one’s tuition, gift certificates for the bookstore, mugs, backpacks, T-shirts, and much more. You can also try your hand on the SU’s own Crown and Anchor game and win many prizes including, pop, pens, chips, popcorn and cotton candy! If $500 towards tuition and loads of free prizes don’t appeal to you, come out from 12-2 p.m. each day to see the historical re-enactments of Roman Legion XXI, as they show off their superior military tactics and academic knowledge. Hope to see you there.

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