SU View: Mmm… Votes!

By Jen Smith

Canadians are in the midst of a federal election, with our final opportunity to vote fast approaching on Monday, January 23.

Ways that the federal government affects university students include bankruptcy legislation on student loans, GST on textbooks, the Millennium Scholarship Foundation, and the registered education savings plans. Student lobby groups are calling for a dedicated transfer to post-secondary education, and a pan-Canadian accord on post-secondary education, as well as student financial assistance that reduces student debt. You can find information on the stance of each party on these issues, plus information on how to vote, by visiting some of the following websites;

There are many groups out there dedicated to getting youth to vote, as well as groups dedicated to changing Canada’s electoral laws, and even groups who think you should eat your ballot to protest what they view as an overall lack of democracy in Canada!

While voting is a great way to participate, by no means is it the only way for you to influence the government. Democracy is a process, not an event. Staying informed on the issues, asking questions, making suggestions, and keeping your elected officials accountable is something that you can do every day!

We have the power to make a difference. Politicians can’t hear you bitch to your friends, or yell at the TV, but come January 23rd they will hear the results of your vote.


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