Letter: SU’s sad news

By Bryan West

Editor, the Gauntlet,

I’m really sad to hear about the cuts to core student services and staff [“Recession leads to campus job losses,” Nicole Dionne, Jan. 29]. These were all very good people and, in my opinion, all very good at their jobs. In addition to the cutting of the Students’ Rights Advisor, these new cuts are a serious loss of institutional memory, competency and services at the Students’ Union. Volunteer Services won’t be the same without the guiding hand of Sue Wilmot, who built the program from the ground up. The Den will lose an extremely competent and professional manager in Steve Rasberry, who kept the Den humming for years.

I don’t want to double guess those who had to make this decision, it probably wasn’t easy, and as the U of C SU relies so heavily on generated revenue as opposed to student fees, it was likely a regretful inevitability of this economic downturn. However, it’s a very unfortunate turn of events.

All the best to those affected.

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