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Letter: Liberal arts faculty would fail to provide proper education

By Michael Macaulay

Editor, The Gauntlet, I am firmly opposed to the notion that the faculties of Fine Arts, Humanities, Communication and Culture and Social Sciences could viably be combined into a single liberal arts faculty [“All for one and one for all,” Julie Phillips, Oct. 30, Gauntlet]. I am presently studying music performance; a highly specialized discipline… Continue reading Letter: Liberal arts faculty would fail to provide proper education

What does it mean to be a man?

By compiled by Susan Anderson

Welcome to the second part of the Gauntlet’s two-part feature on gender issues. Below are articles written by a variety of people responding to the question, “How do masculine ideals affect you?” Sean Willett, second-year communications: I’ve seen the movie Les Miserables twice now, and I cried buckets both times. For those of you who… Continue reading What does it mean to be a man?

Plan It finally set to hit the streets

By Jeremy Zhao

What will Calgary look like in 60 years? That’s the question Calgary’s city council tried to answer last Monday when they unanimously voted in favour of Plan It, a combination of documents that will shape how Calgary will grow economically, socially and environmentally. All stakeholders were generally happy to see Plan It passed, but for… Continue reading Plan It finally set to hit the streets