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You’re a starving student, living alone

By Tyler Stiem

So you crave the bohemian squalor of Henry Miller’s Paris circa 1930, huh? You’ve rented some filthy little basement suite with Calvin Klein-esque trĂ©s-faux wall paneling. There’s a bare mattress flopped haphazardly on the floor. Instead of washing dishes, you wait until they present a marked E. coli danger, then throw them away. Macaroni is… Continue reading You’re a starving student, living alone

Student journalism good

By Tyler Stiem

Late production night. You’re sitting in front of a computer screen until your brain becomes deoxygenated because of the lousy air-circulation system, in old MacEwan Hall then as your butt goes numb and your neck aches and as you’re typing up that last minute article while the deadline creeps up on you like the wolfman… Continue reading Student journalism good