We found 22 results for your search.

Engineering week a pleasant memory

By Joanna Farley

Last week, the University of Calgary became home to some strange occurrences as engineering students took to the halls during Engineering Week. Coincidence?"It’s a great time for engineers to bond and share our engineering spirit with the rest of the campus," said Christine Johanson of the Engineering Students’ Society.The week of Jan. 14–18 included events… Continue reading Engineering week a pleasant memory

Racism in a rodent’s eyes

By Joanna Farley

Perhaps you’ve never heard of Darren O’Donnell or his theatre company, Mammalian Diving Reflex. And perhaps you’ve never heard his play, White Mice. Yet, once you’ve encountered O’Donnell’s black comedy, you’ll have a hard time forgetting it.White Mice is not your average play. It’s the story of two white mice brothers who discover that they’ve… Continue reading Racism in a rodent’s eyes

Universal transit before Universal Pass

By Joanna Farley

The beloved U-Pass has once again reared its ugly head. If passed in an upcoming referendum, the U-Pass will cost every student at this school about $50 a semester-no opt-outs allowed. In all its wisdom, the U-Pass is supposed to make it cheaper for students to ride Calgary Transit.In truth, it will only make Calgary… Continue reading Universal transit before Universal Pass

Ease your mind

By Joanna Farley

From Jan. 23–25, a group of Clinical Pyschology graduates will launch the University of Calgary’s first mental health awareness week. The event is designed to provide information about mental health and how to maintain it. In addition,the organizers emphasize that mental disorders are not a character flaw. "Right now there is a stigma attached to… Continue reading Ease your mind

They all wanted money

By Joanna Farley

Amongst the small change in a university student’s pocket just might be a coin worth four years of tuition and an old $1 bill in a childhood piggy bank might be worth a small fortune. On Sun., Dec. 2, collectors, evaluators and those with an eye to calculate their riches gathered at the Nickle Arts… Continue reading They all wanted money

CAUS bonds with Klein

By Joanna Farley

Students might get a little more help from the provincial government, thanks to recent efforts by an Alberta student lobby group. From Nov. 19-22, the Council of Alberta University Students met with MLAs in Edmonton to discuss post-secondary education issues. CAUS finished the week with a meeting with Premier Ralph Klein and Alberta Learning Minister… Continue reading CAUS bonds with Klein

Legislating the death of freedom

By Joanna Farley

In the last few weeks, I’ve come to realize something incredibly sad. If the Liberal government passes Bills C-36 and C-35 into law, I will no longer have many of the rights I immigrated to this country for.The proposed legislation states that any Canadian who commits or merely considers an act that endangers others commits… Continue reading Legislating the death of freedom

The most sainted of people

By Joanna Farley

Since September 11, the world has cast a suspicious eye towards anyone of "Middle Eastern descent." Mosques have been burned, Muslims and Sikhs and Hindus have been attacked–apparently some people don’t realize there’s a difference–threats have been issued against Islamic groups and the media is having a field day.While I can understand how some people… Continue reading The most sainted of people