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First kiss fantasies

By Kelli Stevens

From fairy tales to romance novels, from sitcoms to full-length movies, we’re taught a first kiss should be romantic, meaningful and emotionally intense. Real life, however, tends to send a different message. From junior high dances to clubs, from first loves to blind dates, first kisses are often awkward, nerve-racking and unsettling. Of course, there… Continue reading First kiss fantasies

Don’t call us…

By Kelli Stevens

The phone rings and a sense of dread settles in the pit of your stomach. No, you’re not starring in a sequel to Scream–you’re suffering the aftershocks of giving out your phone number. While supplying your number can result in great conversation, entertaining dates, and even a satisfying relationship, it seems that it can also… Continue reading Don’t call us…

Daring others can be dangerous

By Kelli Stevens

For some, proving others wrong is a hobby. The words “I bet you wouldn’t…” are powerful motivators, resulting in many outlandish acts. These feats can be funny, scary and everything in between. I once made the bold statement, "Becky, you’d never have the guts to go and pet that guy’s mullet!" Normally, I would have… Continue reading Daring others can be dangerous

Too cold for class

By Kelli Stevens

As Calgarians avoided last week’s extreme temperatures, going to class was the last thing on many students’ minds. In the eyes of university administration, however, closing the campus due to cold or snow is not a possibility. While many universities have policies for “snow days” and blizzards, the University of Calgary is hesitant to let… Continue reading Too cold for class

Using clothes to call back

By Kelli Stevens

I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions, but the end of 2003 corresponded with the demise of my dating tactics–I resolved to “put an end to all game playing.” Keeping this resolution would mean not worrying about the appropriate time to wait before calling someone new. It would mean not creating new ways to turn… Continue reading Using clothes to call back

Just when you think your date couldn’t get any worse…

By Kelli Stevens

People drunk enough to throw up are relatively unselective when it comes to choosing a vomit venue. That’s nothing new. In fact, I’ve seen a number of interesting losing-your-lunch locales. The Saddledome, garbage cans in front of the old Fox, Rez bathrooms (of course), C-Trains, even Science Theatre water fountains. You’d think a living room… Continue reading Just when you think your date couldn’t get any worse…

Passing on seconds

By Kelli Stevens

Some readers may remember my recent advice about sampling a potential hook-up before you commit to bringing them home. It has, however, come to my attention that some people are too optimistic for this sampling process. A “glass is half full” attitude can have disastrous results. Take, for example, a third-year student named Shannon. She’d… Continue reading Passing on seconds