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Letter: One con…

By Rinaldi Gulinao

Editor, the Gauntlet, Tristan Taylor’s article [“Canada as a get out of jail free card,” April 9] makes the false assertion that Mohammed Kohail is of a split Canadian-Saudi Citizenship. From all the facts that I could gather, Kohail, although once a resident of Saudi Arabia, is of Palestinian origin. Saudi Arabia’s naturalization process is… Continue reading Letter: One con…

Mind Fight: Considering the English language s evolution

By Tristan Taylor

Omg, wut r u doing 2nite?” is a common sight in both text and instant messages. To older generations this looks strange, even foreign, but to most students, this is now the English language. Long gone are the days of proper grammar, full sentences and punctuation, replaced in the modern age of speed and technology… Continue reading Mind Fight: Considering the English language s evolution

What does it mean to be a man?

By compiled by Susan Anderson

Welcome to the second part of the Gauntlet’s two-part feature on gender issues. Below are articles written by a variety of people responding to the question, “How do masculine ideals affect you?” Sean Willett, second-year communications: I’ve seen the movie Les Miserables twice now, and I cried buckets both times. For those of you who… Continue reading What does it mean to be a man?

Gauntlet’s Best 2010: Television

Amanda Hu (Resident Star Wards Camp Counselor) 1. Community Arguably the best sitcom on TV right now, Dan Harmon and crew have revolutionized the genre homage with exceptional episodes like “Modern Warfare” and “Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas.” It is one of the few shows that can take classic sitcom troupes and spin them on their heads… Continue reading Gauntlet’s Best 2010: Television