Re: Israel and Sudan refugees

A little clarification, for your one-sided opinion regarding African refugees and Israel. Most of them came from Egypt, because they were being raped and murdered by the Egyptians, after the Muslim Brotherhood took over. Secondly they have come via the Sinai, where they are exploited by the Bedouin and some 200 have been killed. Finally,… Continue reading Re: Israel and Sudan refugees

Letter to the editor: provincial government’s arts cuts divisive

The Government of Alberta did not cut the arts budget, they cut everyone’s budget. All post-secondary institutions had to make tough choices, and the engineering faculty had to bear their share of the government’s operating grant cut. The $142.5 million investment is an infrastructure investment — a clear priority to the government — regardless of… Continue reading Letter to the editor: provincial government’s arts cuts divisive

Letter: editorial gone too far

By Austin Thompson

[Re: “We need feminism, not ‘the D’, ” Mar. 14, 2013] 
 The Gauntlet’s editorial story on March 28 titled “We need feminism, not ‘the D’, ” paints the feminist movement on campus with extremism. This article should have been two separate articles — one about the rape in Steubenville, Ohio and another about the… Continue reading Letter: editorial gone too far

Letter: stinky locker rooms need the SU’s attention

By Adam Strashok

With the victory of Raphael Jacob as the new Students’ Union president, I sincerely hope that money and time is applied to renovate the main locker rooms at the University of Calgary. While a lot of money has been devoted to renovating MacEwan Student Centre, little to no effort has been put towards fixing the… Continue reading Letter: stinky locker rooms need the SU’s attention

Letter: U of C student consultation a farce

By Kyle Schole

[Re: “Upgrading the heart of campus,” October 16, 2012]
 Students are sorely wrong if they are under the impression that the University of Calgary administration is listening to them when it comes to consultation on the future development of MacHall. The university has already developed its plans to introduce and impose these renovations, so whatever… Continue reading Letter: U of C student consultation a farce

Letter: Innocence questioned

By Richard Campbell

[Re: “Innocence of Mohammad,” October 4, 2012]
 The article “Innocence of Mohammad” implies that a 15-minute YouTube movie trailer represents some kind of large-scale attack on Islam. I fail to see how a low-budget, obscure movie represents anything other than a case of bizarre expression. The article’s express reference to slavery and insidious reference regarding… Continue reading Letter: Innocence questioned

Web Exclusive: Infidelity is not okay sometimes

By Ellen Lloyd

Re: Infidelity: It’s okay sometimes, from Sept 6, 2012 issue. I agree that monogamy is not for everyone — open and closed relationships are both acceptable. However, infidelity is not an acceptable solution to relationship dissatisfaction, nor does the arguably unrealistic expectation of monogamy excuse such behaviour. Infidelity compromises trust in a relationship, is inherently… Continue reading Web Exclusive: Infidelity is not okay sometimes