Peeking behind the curtains of the G8

By James Keller

In the weeks leading up to the 2002 G8 Summit, I read headlines in Calgary dailies using words like “terrorism” and “havoc” to describe what Calgarians should expect. Photos of police in riot gear, anti-aircraft weaponry and boarded-up businesses graced front pages, and everyone, including the mayor, seemed to be preparing the city for chaos.I… Continue reading Peeking behind the curtains of the G8

Perspectives on G8

By Вen Li

With the Group of 8 Summit in Kananaskis over, reports on the event from Canadian student newspapers have begun to trickle out. Below is an ongoing compilation of links to some stories.• U of T students in Alberta lambaste G8 inequity – U of T Varsity, 6/27/2002 • Profs have say in G8 Africa Policy… Continue reading Perspectives on G8

An education in nonviolence

By James Keller

Most people aren’t aware of the revolution in Yugoslavia during President Slobodan Milosevic’s final days. To most, “revolution” means the opposite of non-violence and peaceful protest.The film Bringing Down a Dictator chronicles the two year effort of Otpor!, a group of Serb students who helped organize, motivate and eventually bring a country to action. Filmmaker… Continue reading An education in nonviolence

G6B wraps up

By Вen Li

The G6B summit ended today, leaving some participants with more questions than answers. More than 1,200 participants and delegates sought alternative solutions at the five day counter-conference to the G8 summit.At the closing session on Tue. June 25, participants stated they gained a greater understanding of the issues involved but wanted more information on the… Continue reading G6B wraps up

G6B delivers report to federal ministers

By Corinna Callsen

On June 25, 2002 the Group of Six Billion People’s Summit ended in a lively discussion between the workshop’s leaders and federal ministers.The discussion’s main focus was the G6B’s report–the result of the four-day-long summit at the University of Calgary. Fourteen topics of global significance were debated in G6B workshops and the final report was… Continue reading G6B delivers report to federal ministers

September 11, drugs, war and economy

By Вen Li

Drugs, oil, and hidden world-wide financial transactions were the topics of the G6B War and Economy session on Mon., June 25, 2002. University of Ottawa economics professor Michael Chossudovsky and September 11 analyst Michael Ruppert offered their theories about the causes and effects of recent events.“We must understand war and globalization are intimately related,” said… Continue reading September 11, drugs, war and economy

Press freedom in Africa

By Вen Li

Panelists contrasted the neglected role of independent media in Western nations against the oppressed conventional media in developing nations Mon., June 24 at the G6B conference.“There is a tendency by ‘the left’ to downplay the system of media corporations in the new global order,” said journalist Danny Schechter, a veteran of 30 years. “Missing from… Continue reading Press freedom in Africa

Education at G6B

By Вen Li

The challanges of providing basic education and possible solutions were explored at the G6B forum on Education held Sun., June 23.Canada’s concerns lie with aboriginal education.“A lot of our people have gone through a lot of traumatic experiences with education,” said aboriginal educator and U of C Senator Doreen Spence. “Historically, formal education was, without… Continue reading Education at G6B

Conference Recap: Sustaining Global Growth

By Вen Li

The Sustaining Global Growth conference kicked off Sat., June 22 with discussion about issues surrounding the upcoming G8 Summit in Kananaskis. Conference Chair Stephen Randall, Dean of the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Social Sciences, set the tone for the conference with opening remarks about sustainable growth.“Since the end of the Cold War, the world… Continue reading Conference Recap: Sustaining Global Growth

Discussing Sustainable Alternatives

By Вen Li

Maintaining and developing a successful economy has been a challenge in some parts of the world. War, disease and bad government often come between business and success.Zimbabwe trade union representative Thandine Nkomu was first to speak at the G6B sustainable economic alternatives panel on Sat., June 22, addressing trade in Africa.“History tells us if we… Continue reading Discussing Sustainable Alternatives